Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Strange things are afoot at the Circle K...

     This one's an assignment that we had to do for my Digital Media class.  I actually had a lot of fun with it.  The guidelines were to create an "impossible" landscape by adding things to a normal background that were abnormal.  Of course I had to make many film, video game and music references, even one to the Goosebumps series, but I'm happy with the finished product.

Open Arms

     Another Company Dime design, this one for a shirt.  We'll have them for sale at shows for a yet-to-be-determined price.  The image is a photo I took of my nephew and sister on a train car.  We stayed in this hotel called the "Chattanoog Choo-Choo" which had train cars as rooms, for the right price.  Way too much, of course, so we stayed in a regular room.  Didn't keep my nephew from running up and down them, screaming, though.  Here's the original image:

Yes, the title is a Journey reference.

In Mike We Trust

     The first design I've decided to post is one I've created for a sticker that my band will (probably) be giving out at shows.  The handsome devil in the graphic is my pal Mike Taylor who is the unofficial Company Dime mascot.

     If you want a sticker and don't live anywhere near me I'll be glad to mail you one, just get ahold of my on here, however you do that...

Set it Off

My name is Brett Tucker and I'm majoring in art education and photography at Marshall University in Huntington, West Virginia.  Even though I hate Madball, the title seemed appropriate.  This is basically a blog where I post my artwork/photography in case anyone cares to see it.  I create designs for my band, as well as take photographs of anything that I find interesting.  If you like my work and want to know more about it, have me create or capture something for you, or, god forbid, buy it, I'll be more than happy to open my proverbial doors to you.

PS - Feel free to comment and tell me I suck or that you like something; I need all the criticism I can get.